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  A Monster Named Criney Who Makes Kids Whiney



32 Pages
Hard Cover
8 1/2” X 11”
Ages: 3-7 years
ISBN 0-9744307-06
Spring 2005

Heather Zuckerman received her master's degree from Bank Street College of Education and then taught elementary school for many years in New York City. Heather now lives in Edgemont, New York, with her husband and their own three little delightful monsters, where she is hard at work on another monster book.

Shelly Meridith-Delice grew up on a small farm in Kansas and now lives in New York City with her husband and three children. Shelly runs her own studio in which she creates art and makes all sorts of cool toys for children including FUNNY FEET and THE ROOMIES. Shelly is sure that Criney has been to her house on many occasions and is always glad when he leaves.
More of Shelly's work

Sample Pages
Flash Movie