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  King Bartholomew and the Jester’s Riddle



32 Pages
Hard Cover
8 1/2 ” X 11”
Ages: 4 and up
ISBN 0-9744307-1-4
Spring 2005

Pina Mastromonaco grew up in Montreal, Canada. She attended Concordia University where she studied English Literature. After seven years in events management she chose to follow her true passion writing for children. Pina currently lives in Manhattan with her husband.

David Martin began his career as an illustrator painting characters for computers and role-playing games. To date, he has produced more than 140 published book covers. He is a regular contributor to MAGIC: The Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons. David’s work has also been published by companies including Doubleday, Baen, Ballantine/Del Rey, Penguin, and TOR Books in the U.S. and twenty-six other countries. Acclaim for his work includes seventy-eight awards from Science Fiction and Fantasy conventions, sixty-one of them for Best of Show. In 1998 David began his Tribal works, a series of sixteen fine art paintings celebrating the diversity of tribal cultures from around the world. King Bartholomew and the Jester’s Riddle is his first children’s book.

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